In-Person Exam Reviews Archives | Study Edge

PHY2054 – Physics 2 without Calc

Note to UF Online Students:

This course at Study Edge is geared toward the live section of your class. As a result, material order and pacing may not match up perfectly to the online section. With that said, we believe that the Chapter Reviews, Short Concept Videos, and old exam solution videos will probably still be extremely useful to you as an online student, while the Exam Reviews will be less useful since the online section has a different number of exams.


If you’re thinking, “more physics?!?,” you’re not alone! But rest easy, because Steven and the gang are back to help you through Physics II! With Exam Reviews, Chapter Reviews, practice problems, and video solutions to 12+ semesters of past exams, you are provided with all the materials needed to succeed in this course. Our physics team has helped thousands of students do their best in this course over the last 6+ years, and their knowledge and resources will surely be exactly what you need too. Ready to get started? If you want to attend an In-person Review Session, just show up 15 minutes before the review session, no need to pre-register. If you have never been to an In-person Review Session at Study Edge, or you have never purchased a Study Edge membership, you can come to an In-person Review Session for FREE! Click here for a coupon. Questions? Visit our FAQ. To learn more about these services and memberships, go to our Pricing Page.

PHY2053 – Physics 1 without Calc

Notorious for being one of the most difficult classes at UF, PHY2053 is sure to challenge you at some point this semester. Good news for you though: Our tutors have spent the last 10 years preparing the materials you need to succeed in this course. Along with our team of physics experts, Steven and the crew supply you with Chapter Reviews, Exam Reviews, practice problems, and video solutions to 12+ semesters of past exams.

Ready to get started? If you want to attend an In-person Review Session, just show up 15 minutes before the review session, no need to pre-register. If you have never been to an In-person Review Session at Study Edge, or you have never purchased a Study Edge membership, you can come to an In-person Review Session for FREE! Click here for a coupon. Questions? Visit our FAQ. To learn more about these services and memberships, go to our Pricing Page.