Everyone throws in their own ideas and gives their opinions about how they can help Study Edge grow

– Grishma Patel


There’s really not another opportunity like this that I’ve come across during my time at UF

– Ashley Ballestra


We’re also able to experience the different jobs and aspects that go into running a business

– Sophia Clayton


My favorite part of the internship has to be the weekly meetings

– Morgan Farrior


Some of my favorite things about the internship so far have been the times when we are really encouraged to work together both with our supervisor and as interns

– Julia Kolbasiuk


I’ve been able to gain a lot of hands-on experience in things that I am interested in doing in the future with my career.

– Alessandra Ayala


I cannot imagine tackling my classes without it

– Isabella Guzzo


If I could give an incoming student any advice it would be to get Study Edge

– Madelyn Barron


They break down the content in a way that’s much easier for me to understand

– Ani Vustepalli


It’s basically a necessity for business finance

– Eric Odza


It’s one thing to pass the class and another to actually comprehend what you’re studying for

– Darpan Patel


The chapter reviews make the concepts so much easier to understand.

– Mary Reagan Phillips


…it’s available 24/7.

– Joonsung Suh

…three of my classes on the single membership!

– Paige Winters

… it’s made my life so much easier.

– Melody Wolf

…breaks down important information…

– Alex Orta

…really affordable…

– Reilly Baker

…it fits in my schedule.

– Hannah Olson

Grace Freeman

Pertaining to MAC2312

Study Edge has really helped me this semester. The videos were very informing and helped clarify difficult concepts for me. Also, I am a procrastinator and wait until the day before/day of to study, so the exam review videos really saved me!

Shelby Luckey


Study Edge’s recorded videos of the review sessions have saved my life because I’m the kind of person who really enjoys active reviews that engage students on my own time. Study Edge truly provided me with a super flexible method of reviewing and solidifying my knowledge of the material and mastering it before the exam.

Lily Wyche

Business Management

I’m involved in several different students groups on campus which teaches me incredible leadership skills. When it comes to studying, Study Edge is there for me on my time, which is key. I can study at any time of the day and watch the videos as many times as I need. I got an A in Economics because of the Study Edge videos and study guides

Elissa Waller


This is my fourth semester with a Study Edge subscription, and I will continue using Study Edge as long as they offer tutoring for classes I am enrolled in. Study Edge helps focus my study plan for each exam and has helped me develop my study habits for other classes that aren’t offered by the service. The tutors are funny, smart, professional, organized, timely, and make the miserable classes a little more bearable. I always get the $50 membership so that I have help all the way through the semester, and I don’t have to cram for the exams. I would recommend Study Edge to anybody who wants help in their classes or wants an easier way to learn. The tutors simplify the information down to its core so you can learn the most essential information. Finally, Study Edge somehow always knows exactly what’s going to be on the exam. I definitely trust Study Edge to help me succeed.

Cameron Haffke

Food and Resource Economics

My favorite part was working on all of the different projects. There was a set expectation for all of our tasks which I thought was really fun and great practice for the real world

Rachel LeBar


My freshman fall, I wasn’t quite prepared for how hard some of the classes at college would be. I most definitely would have failed Stats 1 if I hadn’t found out about Study Edge.

Sebastian Serrano

General Business

I really enjoyed being able to work on different teams because it helped me learn a lot of different things. The tasks I worked on definitely proved to be important for the company

John (Jack) Lemos

Busines Administration

Seeing how a company operates logistically was really valuable for me. I also think that having this much responsibility in a company is really cool because it shows that my work is impactful and leading to actionable progress.

Julia Ornstein


My favorite part was how my projects were actually being used. It was cool to see the designs I worked on be posted on Study Edge social media.

Shivangi Patel

Information Systems

Before I knew what Study Edge was, I was doing well in my classes, but I wasn’t getting the grades I wanted and was stressing out too much. After I started using Study Edge, I realized how much easier they make it to study and comprehend the class material. All the tutors I’ve had so far have taught me as much or possibly even more than my professors have. I now finish studying for my classes in a significantly less amount of time and get better grades too. I’ve taken over 10 courses with Study Edge that range from science to business classes and it has been an essential academic supplement and is the reason I’ve done so well at college so far.

Megan Appelbaum


As a STEM student in college, it is important for me to excel in my science and math classes. Using Study Edge for General Chemistry 1 was the best decision I could have made. It was also a big reason I ended the course with an A as well. The course materials provided are extremely helpful in teaching you the basic and complex components in each lesson. This combination prepares you for each quiz, test, and final exam in your college course. I recommend Study Edge not only for its course materials, but also for its customer service. Shout-out to Rich, who was there with me through every exam I took. He was always encouraging me to work with him to get each test grade higher than the last.

Lauren Milgram

Study Edge has been critical to my success throughout college. As a student on the pre health track Study Edge has simplified the concepts in even my most difficult classes, and done an excellent job of preparing me for exams

Ryan Krane

Pertaining to QMB 3250

I have been watching your videos for QMB3250 and I just wanted to let you know that I love them and you really do a great job making it as simple as possible and you use great examples to get your points across. Just wanted you to know how helpful you are! Thank you for everything.

Noah Denker

Business Administration

I was really excited to be working with my team because of how well we worked together no matter which projects we got put on. It was really nice to really be able to flex the creative muscle on tasks which were clearly meaningful. The work was really fun and I had a great semester!

Kyle Johnson

Health Science (pertaining to CHM2210)

I just wanted to say thanks for all your help this semester. You helped me and a lot of other students understand a lot of stuff this year. Got an 84 on the final 100% because of you. Maintained a b+ which is my highest grade in a chem class to date. You’re the goat.

Emma Hancock


Study Edge has saved my life (and my GPA) time and time again. They break down complex concepts into words that are easily understandable. I use it to study before any exam I have, especially in chem and econ. They gave me confidence in my abilities to succeed and ace my exams. Study Edge is a mix of quizlet and Chegg but personalized to your specific class at whatever school you go to. It takes away the nerves of going to an in person tutor and actually teaches you the material instead of just throwing answers at you with no explanation. This has helped me an insane amount in the long run. Study Edge quelled my nerves about my exams and I always feel prepared.

Summer Levinson

Marketing, Master of International Business

Study Edge helped me combat one of the hardest classes of my college career. From providing me with numerous practice questions to detailed how-to videos, Study Edge allowed me to not only pass my class but also taught me how to efficiently and effectively study.

Elder Ripper

Pertaining to FIN 3403

On the past two exams I have scores a 95 percent. And on this last one, I STARTED learning, not even reviewing or studying, but learning from you on freaking monady!!! Your reviews and practice problems have been an absolute godsend. Keep up the awesome work my friend you're the only reason I'm going to get an A in this class!

Zachary Leahy-Wilson


Study Edge does a great job with helping me do well on tests. Study Edge was a crucial help to me when studying for Business Statistics because of the videos and copies of previous exams that were on the Study Edge Facebook App. I wouldn’t have received the grade in that class that I did without Study Edge.

Shreya Patel

Study Edge helped me get all As this semester! They’re shorter clips than the other tutoring services allowing you to get the most important concepts down while you’re still paying attention. I love how it has an app so you can watch videos on the go and the tutors aren’t monotone so you’ll actually enjoy learning. I never go in worried about not being prepared enough for my tests!

Aditi Venkatesh

Integrative Biology and Business Administration

I really liked the behind the scenes part. I didn’t realize how much time and work went into creating a finished Study Edge product, so being able to work on that side of it was really cool.

Carson Rugh

Management Consulting and Sports Business

I really enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes operations of a company. As a student you only see the final product, so it was surprising to see the conversations, work, and overall process that goes into creating what customers see.

Katie Schrank


It’s really cool to see how the full-time staff looks at problems and how they’re looking to change them. I liked how they also counted on us interns to come up with new ideas to help Study Edge improve as a company.

Elissa Waller


This is my fourth semester with a Study Edge subscription, and I will continue using Study Edge as long as they offer tutoring for classes I am enrolled in. Study Edge helps focus my study plan for each exam and has helped me develop my study habits for other classes that aren’t offered by the service. The tutors are funny, smart, professional, organized, timely, and make the miserable classes a little more bearable. I always get the $50 membership so that I have help all the way through the semester, and I don’t have to cram for the exams. I would recommend Study Edge to anybody who wants help in their classes or wants an easier way to learn. The tutors simplify the information down to its core so you can learn the most essential information. Finally, Study Edge somehow always knows exactly what’s going to be on the exam. I definitely trust Study Edge to help me succeed.

Hunter Ackerman

Business Administration

My favorite part of the internship and what I learned the most was how efficient it is to teach through videos. The Real Life topics that we covered were really interesting and taught me a lot. I know that that’s something that I’ll be able to take with me going forward.

Nicole Marsden

Pertaining to CHM 2210

I just wanted to write an email thanking you guys for all your help. I didn’t get study edge for orgo until the last two exams because I was failing so I needed extra help. I had gotten around a 50 on all three of the first exams, but once I started using study edge my grade significantly improved on the tests. I got a 80 on the fourth exam and a 70 on the final. I only wish I started using study edge for orgo sooner. I just wanted to let you guys know how truly appreciative of your videos and the service you guys provide that I am. You guys just explain things in a way that makes so much more sense to me, and I owe my final grade of a C+ to you guys and the resources you provide.

Nicole Kantor

Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience

When I was taking General Chemistry 1, I started out without using Study Edge and was doing extremely poorly. I found that when I started using Study Edge, my thoughts were more organized and I was able to recognize patterns easier than I was able to before. The videos are online so they are accessible at any time and have always been useful for me.

Justin Tran

Information Systems

It was great to have so much versatility. We weren’t stuck to one task and got to work on different tasks.

Matt S

Peter- I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being my Microeconomics teacher this semester. I want you to know that I did not watch ONE lecture that Dr. Rush put up (I do not even know what he sounds like.) I also did not read the book. All I did was go to your chapter reviews/ exam reviews and I got an A- in the class. Thank you for saving me A LOT of time this semester and for teaching me (and others) Microeconomics. Keep doing your thing dude.

Jean Corvington

Nutritional Sciences(Pre med)

Going into my Physics 2 class, I was merely hoping to finish off the semester with a passing grade. Thanks to Study Edge, I didn’t just pass, I ended up with an A- which is something I never imagined would be possible.

Emma W.

Business Administration

I would not have such a high grade in organic chemistry if it wasn't for Study Edge.

Study Edge is the only reason I have a high A in organic chemistry.

Elizabeth Kern

Pertaining to MAC2313

Study Edge is great... definitely saving me this semester in calc 3

Ryan Wiele


I've been using Study Edge since fall of my freshman year and 5 semesters later I'm as loyal as ever to the service. The tutors are fantastic and incredible at taking complicated material and laying it out in layman's terms that any student would be able to comprehend. Quite frankly, I can't imagine my college experience without using Study Edge.

Alexa Luboff

Pre-Health Science

Study Edge is an exceptional tutoring and learning engagement service unlike any other. The ease and constant availability of communication with Study Experts and classmates facilitates a unique, enhanced learning experience. Not only does Study Edge simplify and effectively teach difficult material, it teaches students how to study, how to succeed, and to believe in themselves and their potential for success. This service eradicates the concept of a "weed-out" class! Study Edge is truly changing the field of education, one video and live review at a time.

Michael Goldman

The fact that Study Edge is available to me not only through live sessions but recordings online is a huge help. I'm sitting poolside at my home in Ft. Myers at the start of spring break, yet I am able to finish up the last bit of schoolwork necessary with their help. Videos are to the point and cover everything I need for my classes.

Phoebe Parker


Study edge saved my life in my gened macro economics class. Being a non-business major having to take macroeconomics was extremely intimidating. However, study edge helped me get through my semester. The tutor walked me through specific principles and problems that I needed more practice with! The practice tests helped me prepare for my exams and if I got anything wrong I watched the solution video and mastered the concepts. The best part was I could use study edge anywhere, on my phone or online!

Saul Velez

Business Administration

Study Edge has drastically reduced the amount of study time needed for my business classes by providing me with the information and resources needed for the exams. This has allowed me to take on leadership positions that require more work in various organizations and to pursue different interests and hobbies outside of school.

Adam F.

Pertaining to CHM 2210

I was very impressed with the study edge resources for organic chemistry 1. I used study edge for three of my classes this semester and by far the most helpful was organic chemistry. Peter did an excellent job of keeping pace with the class while explaining in more than enough detail. It was also tremendously helpful for his updates with Piazza, the way that our professors contacted us. I did not have the time to search through every post to determine if there are any niche, specific ways that they would like us to either name something or account for. I highly recommend study edge for organic chemistry, and I feel more than prepared for organic chemistry 2. Thank you.

Robby Holihan


As a transfer student, my friends instantly told me that Study Edge was an absolute must for my classes. I was skeptical at first but after getting an A in Business Stats with half of the effort I was expecting to put in, I was sold!

Jacob Zecher

Chem and Calc

This is my 3rd semester using Study Edge, with also using it for physics this past summer and it has been amazing. I've used study edge for calc 1, 2, and 3, physics 1 and 2 with calc, and chem 1 and 2. The videos are super helpful for getting the concepts down and actually understanding what it going on. For Calc 3, he exam reviews are very useful for understanding concepts and being able to tackle different problems. Overall Study Edge has been amazing and definitely saved me in the hard weed out classes!

Jonathan Lopez

Biomedical Engineering

Study Edge not only has helped me and my friends personally with finding success in difficult classes that seemed impossible, but also has helped my club avoid charging club fees for our students. With the aid of Study Edge we are able to host events and provide food at our meetings: we would not be able to host these events and not charge a fee without them. Much obliged Study Edge, thank you for letting us do both!

Corey B

Most of my success this semester has been because of your videos, so thank you! I actually got a D the first time I took Physics 1. When I retook it with the help of Study Edge, I got an A. Now, my current grade in Physics 2 is a 99%. I’m really happy with it

Emma Hancock


Study Edge has saved my life (and my GPA) time and time again. They break down complex concepts into words that are easily understandable. I use it to study before any exam I have, especially in chem and econ. They gave me confidence in my abilities to succeed and ace my exams. Study Edge is a mix of quizlet and Chegg but personalized to your specific class at whatever school you go to. It takes away the nerves of going to an in person tutor and actually teaches you the material instead of just throwing answers at you with no explanation. This has helped me an insane amount in the long run. Study Edge quelled my nerves about my exams and I always feel prepared.

Sabrina Lopez

A Study Edge membership is imperative if you want to pass your classes. I took a class without Study Edge, ended up dropping it, and I passed it when I retook it while using Study Edge. The tutors are absolutely wonderful: they know their subjects and they make the material interesting, instead of the professors who tend to just drone on about nothing. Study Edge also provides an incredible amount of review material to make sure that you understand it. I highly recommend the service to anyone who needs any of the classes they offer tutoring for

Maria Gomes

Pertaining to MAC 2313

I really liked the way problems are being explained on the review exams like what you need, the formulas, and steps to approach each specific case. I really find that helpful.

Summer Levinson

Marketing, Master of International Business

Study Edge helped me combat one of the hardest classes of my college career. From providing me with numerous practice questions to detailed how-to videos, Study Edge allowed me to not only pass my class but also taught me how to efficiently and effectively study.

Allison Gramer

Civil Engineering

Study Edge gives one the ability to become a confident learner. It is easy to become lost in a two hundred plus lecture hall, however, study edge makes sure each student gets the opportunity to express their questions and concerns. I wouldn’t have been able to survive my first year at college without it, and I am forever grateful for the tools that study edge provided to ensure my academic success.

Haley Russo

Pertaining to MAC 2312

I love how you write down the explanations for certain concepts in your own words, it really helps and I wish other study experts did it as well!

Isabelle Langner

Information Systems

The tutors at Study Edge are really talented at keeping their audience engaged and making the material interesting to learn. They cater to each student and provide a wealth of information relevant for each exam. Study Edge’s online platform also makes studying very convenient and accessible. My subscription with their service has really made the academic side of my college experience a less stressful one.


Public Health (Pertaining to CHM2045)

"Hi there,
Thank you so much for all the help you have given me throughout this semester. I was so nervous when the semester started as I’ve always heard stories about how this class was hard and how the professors try to weed you out. You guys made it bearable!
Harris just released grades and I got a 93% on the final! I have a final grade of 95% in the class (would probably be 99%+ if I didn’t make silly mistakes on the previous exams) and I attribute it all to you guys. Thank you so much!
I will be back in CHM2046."

Lola Correch

Pertaining to MAC2312

Your videos have been really helpful so far, since you break the information down in a really easy way to understand. Also, I really like the extra practice problems you provide in your packets.

Janan Civelek

Pertaining to ECO 2013

Study edge and their team is great! Everyone works together to see the students succeed in their classes and they really do help the students. Whenever I have a question I am not sure about I always write on the wall and someone gets back to me within the day or two. Whenever I ask for more tokens the study edge team is more than willing to give me some!

Taylor H.


When I took sta2023, I didn't use Study Edge for the first exam, and I got a 76. Then I only missed 1 question on the 2nd exam and 2 on the final after I did Zach’s reviews. He got me an A!

Andy H


Thanks for all the help you guys did for us. I was able to finish Orgo strong with an A-

Brenan Carey

Pertaining to STA2023

I have nothing but incredible things to say about Study Edge. I'm actually interning next semester because I love it so much! I could't be happier with all the efforts your team puts in to make my academic experience smoother! Thank you again for all your help!

Abby Preiser

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Having Study Edge gave me peace of mind when I was going through those difficult engineering courses. Looking back, I’m not sure I would have been able to do it without that extra help.

Olivia Berens

Business Administration

My favorite thing was seeing things come full circle. It was super cool to see how the tasks I was working on at the beginning of the internship turned into a finished product by the end.

Jenna Williams

Pertaining to MAC 2312

Honestly, I have has a great experience. I use it for both CHM2045 and MAC2312, and I think it's safe to say I made the right decision when I didn't know what help to get when I was struggling at the beginning. I feel as though this Exam 2 coverage directly correlates to everything we have covered in class. I really feel that you and Jordan's videos have helped me so much to actually practice the Exam 2 material with much more ease because I am able to stop and replay. Of course, in class, with 300 people in the Zoom, he's moving at such a pace that can be difficult at times to ask him to go back and re-explain something. Sometimes I even watch both of your videos to get the explanation twice because they help so much. I really appreaciate the worked out solutions as well for both the Session Quizzes and the Packet Problems. I am so happy with my choice to use Study Edge! I don't know where I would be without it.

Curtis Pattilo

Construction Management

Great tutoring service that is absolutley 100% worth your time and money. I saw an exponential increase in my grades after I began using Study Edge. It really helps you prepare well for all your exams and quizzes. The staff here is very friendly also and make it much easier to study. Would definitely recommend!

Elijah Fararo

Pertaining to MAC 2313

Study Edge overall has been a great help to me. With having as hard of a schedule as I do with 3 so called "weed out" courses, Study Edge has helped a lot.

Alissa Serrano

Pertaining to STA 2023

Study Edge has been extremely helpful. I am very happy that I decided to get it. I got an A and a B on my last 2 stats exams!

Matias Villanueva

Business Management

I liked having the opportunities that we had to take on extra projects.

Savannah Hodges


Study Edge has helped me with all of my STEM classes throughout college. If I didn’t use Study Edge I’d probably fail everything. They’ve helped me learn the “why” behind my course material, not just the “how”. I love how easy the videos are to follow along with and how I can change the speeds. The app is really easy to navigate and understand. Plus, being able to see my tutor and the work we are studying at the same time makes me feel like I’m being tutored in person. Study Edge is the core reason I’ve passed my classes.

Valerie Jones


Getting to work in the office and meet all of the tutors and door managers was really cool

Marissa Babitz


Study Edge helped me study for my classes more effectively by engaging me in the material and breaking down concepts in a much simpler way. The videos made me feel like I was getting a one-on-one lesson, which is something I felt like I was lacking in my mostly lecture-style classes. Best of all, Study Edge was able to work with me and customize the material to fit my class syllabus. I knew that wherever I was in the material in class, the videos would correspond with what I needed to study. Thanks to Study Edge, I not only passed some of my most difficult classes, but I also gained confidence going into each of my exams because I knew I was prepared.

Cayla Epstein

Health Science/Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience

My favorite thing about the internship was learning about how to work with different people and quickly adapt

Matt S

Peter- I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being my Microeconomics teacher this semester. I want you to know that I did not watch ONE lecture that Dr. Rush put up (I do not even know what he sounds like.) I also did not read the book. All I did was go to your chapter reviews/ exam reviews and I got an A- in the class. Thank you for saving me A LOT of time this semester and for teaching me (and others) Microeconomics. Keep doing your thing dude.

Jordan Roysdon

pertaining to MAC2313

I absolutely love using Study Edge - I'm not sure how I would get through college (especially during the pandemic) without it! I especially appreciated it whenever I watched videos with you [Hannah] in them. Really helped me to deal with my imposter syndrome in STEM!

Julie Secure (Julie S)

Thank you to the Study Edge team for all your help and hard work!! These videos honestly help me SO much!

Kaylee Davis


Study Edge changed the way I study and understand the concepts. The Study Experts break down the topics in a way that college students can understand and my test grades show it!

Jean V

Pertaining to FIN 3403

I'm just another student using Study Edge for finance, but just wanted to say thanks for how helpful you've been so far in Finance this semester. I'm just looking to pass the class as this semester won't appear on my law school apps, and I've been able to squeak out a 60 on each exam. Not the best for an A student that I have been, but with MFL and a new focus on exam 3, I'm confident I can end the class with a C. So, just wanted to quickly say thanks for making it easier for us struggling students. Without your clear tips and instruction I definitely would've gotten an F in the class. You've done a great job explaining Banko's questions.

Natalie Chapman


I really liked the weekly meetings and brainstorm sessions because they were really productive and engaging.

Jennifer Inzunza

Pertaining to FIN 3403

Thank you for everything you do for the students who use Study Edge. The way you are able to break down the material for us and explain each concept is truly amazing. Paying for Study Edge was the best decision I made to help me get through FIN3403. I am a 100% online student, as I do not live in Gainesville, but Study Edge makes me feel as if I am on campus.

Chelsea W

Pertaining to FIN3403

If it wasn't for you I would not have passed Business Finance... You're my hero

Jonathan Lopez

Biomedical Engineering

Study Edge not only has helped me and my friends personally with finding success in difficult classes that seemed impossible, but also has helped my club avoid charging club fees for our students. With the aid of Study Edge we are able to host events and provide food at our meetings: we would not be able to host these events and not charge a fee without them. Much obliged Study Edge, thank you for letting us do both!

Madeline Coleman

Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (Pre-Med)

In high school, I didn’t have access to a resource like Study Edge, and was comfortable learning independently. However, during my first semester as a pre-medical student, I quickly learned how overwhelming my science and math courses were, and knew my study habits would need an adjustment if I wanted to earn a high GPA. I have always struggled in math, and with the help of Study Edge that first semester I was able to turn my B+ in pre-calculus into an A. I had never taken a physics course in high school, and became worried when I heard that Physics 1 and 2 were weed out classes for pre-medical students. Again, with the help of Study Edge, I managed to get an A in both of those courses. The Study Edge tutors are experts in their subjects and know how to prepare students to succeed in their classes in an efficient way. If I got stuck on a problem, instead of wasting valuable study time dwelling on it, I could quickly watch a video explaining the solution and then move on. I am currently a senior and have been using Study Edge since freshman year, and I can truly say that it has impacted my study habits and grades for the better.

Aliana Dupis

shoutout to Marty and whoever made the MAN4504 packets! The exam was easy compared to the packets and mock exams just a quick reminder y’all are the BEST

Kaylee Davis


Study Edge changed the way I study and understand the concepts. The Study Experts break down the topics in a way that college students can understand and my test grades show it!

Elena Pastore

Business Administration, Master of International Business

Study Edge has not only helped me excel in my classes throughout my collegiate career but has also taught me how to efficiently study. No matter the course, Study Edge has given me all of the tools I need to succeed academically.

Phoebe Parker


Study edge saved my life in my gened macro economics class. Being a non-business major having to take macroeconomics was extremely intimidating. However, study edge helped me get through my semester. The tutor walked me through specific principles and problems that I needed more practice with! The practice tests helped me prepare for my exams and if I got anything wrong I watched the solution video and mastered the concepts. The best part was I could use study edge anywhere, on my phone or online!

Abigail Pratt

Business Administration

Actually seeing Tutor Matching Service use my designs on Facebook was really nice.

Jacob Gale

Nutritional Sciences (Pre-Dental)

Using Study Edge has made my studying efficient and truly beneficial. I don’t know what I would’ve done without it.

Grisma Patel

Business Administration

I think it was really cool to work with so many different people throughout the internship to expand my network. It meant a lot to know that what I worked on all semester had such a big impact

Leah Weintraub

Pertaining to MAC2313

Thank you! This is my second year using study edge and it has been a critical element in my success. Thanks for what you guys do!

Andy H


Thanks for all the help you guys did for us. I was able to finish Orgo strong with an A-

Lauren Milgram

Study Edge has been critical to my success throughout college. As a student on the pre health track Study Edge has simplified the concepts in even my most difficult classes, and done an excellent job of preparing me for exams

Isabelle Langner

Information Systems

The tutors at Study Edge are really talented at keeping their audience engaged and making the material interesting to learn. They cater to each student and provide a wealth of information relevant for each exam. Study Edge’s online platform also makes studying very convenient and accessible. My subscription with their service has really made the academic side of my college experience a less stressful one.

Max D

Pertaining to FIN3403

I am a finance major, so I was especially nervous for this class after hearing the horror stories, but you made this class super easy. Because of you, I am able to continue with my major!

Aliana Dupis

Business Administration

I was on the Math Nation Team, and knowing that the materials I’m working on are actually going to be used by real people is really cool.

Sebastian Carson


My favorite part of the internship was actually learning that I really like the education industry. I had never realized that a career would potentially be possible, but this program showed me a new opportunity that I would not have known about otherwise.

Cole Rottenberg

Pertaining to MAC2311

Study Edge has been a great resource for practicing material before exams without going through the hassle of creating practice problems or review.

Marissa Babitz


Study Edge helped me study for my classes more effectively by engaging me in the material and breaking down concepts in a much simpler way. The videos made me feel like I was getting a one-on-one lesson, which is something I felt like I was lacking in my mostly lecture-style classes. Best of all, Study Edge was able to work with me and customize the material to fit my class syllabus. I knew that wherever I was in the material in class, the videos would correspond with what I needed to study. Thanks to Study Edge, I not only passed some of my most difficult classes, but I also gained confidence going into each of my exams because I knew I was prepared.

Shreya Patel

Study Edge helped me get all As this semester! They’re shorter clips than the other tutoring services allowing you to get the most important concepts down while you’re still paying attention. I love how it has an app so you can watch videos on the go and the tutors aren’t monotone so you’ll actually enjoy learning. I never go in worried about not being prepared enough for my tests!

Joel Divaker


Study Edge is an essential for college! They have great tutors who provide very helpful review sessions and they give you all the information in a comprehensive and effective study packet. Study Edge brought me from an average grade in Intro to Chem (a much easier class) to A’s in both Chem 1 and 2. Getting Study Edge is one of the best decisions you can make when you start college!

Abby Lowder

Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

Prior to using Study Edge for Chem 1, I struggled with overall concepts and simple math mistakes. After I started using Study Edge, I was no longer making as many errors and actually began to grasp different chemistry concepts as a whole. Both Rich and Peter broke down every process to ensure that we as students could master it ourselves. I have seen major improvements not only in my letter grade, but in my overall understanding of the subject as well!

Sidney Thomasson


I absolutely love Study Edge it is a life saver! I don't know what I would do without it thank you so much!

Megan Appelbaum


As a STEM student in college, it is important for me to excel in my science and math classes. Using Study Edge for General Chemistry 1 was the best decision I could have made. It was also a big reason I ended the course with an A as well. The course materials provided are extremely helpful in teaching you the basic and complex components in each lesson. This combination prepares you for each quiz, test, and final exam in your college course. I recommend Study Edge not only for its course materials, but also for its customer service. Shout-out to Rich, who was there with me through every exam I took. He was always encouraging me to work with him to get each test grade higher than the last.

Ali Bowlby

Political Science

Study Edge has greatly helped me in my courses at UF. As a liberal arts student required to take math classes, I found myself struggling at first but with Study Edge, I was able to learn the material and earn an A in the class.

Brooke Erickson

pertaining to MAC2312

Study Edge is life saving. You are always so positive in your videos and I love it. I love the memes too. LOHOPITALS RULE IS MONEY. Period.

Victoria C

Pertaining to FIN3403

I’ve been on the FIN3403 journey with you this semester, and it was a wild ride. I had never taken a finance course before, and I heard nothing but bad things about this one, and yet, I got an A-, and I’m not even a finance major (but what a flex it is to say I could be one if I wanted to lol) or that big brain. I owe you so many thanks, like, truly. You are a genius, and I appreciate you sharing your genius with us :) Thank you for everything!

Kevin T

Pertaining to FIN3403

$50 for 4 months was definitely a great investment and had a large NPV :)

Vanessa Chan

Biological Engineering

My favorite part of the Real Life 101 Internship was being able to see how businesses work. As an engineering major, I don’t typically get to see much of the business side, so being able to work on different projects with a great team was awesome!

Lynn Vaz


My favorite part was being able to work on different types of jobs. We weren’t restricted to working just on what our assigned field was.

Jasmine G

Pertaining to CHM 2210

Thankyou so much! I think the course is going pretty good so far as I have an A right now. Crossing my fingers that I can keep it that way after the upcoming exam and final. I am so thankful for everything you and the Study Edge team do! My grades depend on you guys.

Savannah Hodges


Study Edge has helped me with all of my STEM classes throughout college. If I didn’t use Study Edge I’d probably fail everything. They’ve helped me learn the “why” behind my course material, not just the “how”. I love how easy the videos are to follow along with and how I can change the speeds. The app is really easy to navigate and understand. Plus, being able to see my tutor and the work we are studying at the same time makes me feel like I’m being tutored in person. Study Edge is the core reason I’ve passed my classes.

Lily Wyche

Business Management

I’m involved in several different students groups on campus which teaches me incredible leadership skills. When it comes to studying, Study Edge is there for me on my time, which is key. I can study at any time of the day and watch the videos as many times as I need. I got an A in Economics because of the Study Edge videos and study guides

Sedrick Osei Tutu


After my first attempt at Biochem I knew that I would need some help from another source other than the professor. A friend of mine in the class told me that he used Study Edge in order to prepare for everything. I decided to try it out and not only did I pass the class with an A, but I have been a loyal member for two years because it honestly makes a difference. Your future self will thank you, I promise you.

Ana Arnillas


Study Edge has helped me find a balance between a busy course load and involvement opportunities throughout school. It is a guaranteed life-saver for your major classes.