Study Edge is an education technology company that is committed to supporting students in historically difficult courses. Using short concept videos, study guides, and practice problems, we help students become more prepared for more than 30 courses with our web application.

Because of the Study Edge and Phi Mu partnership, all Phi Mu collegiate members receive a FREE Study Edge membership. The Phi Mu code is available on the Phi Mu Leadership Center under Academic Excellence and was shared with chapter officers at the 2019 Phi Mu Officer Academy.

Because of the Study Edge and NPC partnership, all attendees at The NPC Academy 2019 and their home Greek communities receive a FREE Study Edge membership from January 25 to February 28 to celebrate NPC’s Month of the Scholar. The special NPC code can be found on the flyer passed out at the Academy.

Because of the Study Edge and CCWL partnership, all attendees at CCWL19 and their home Greek communities receive a FREE Study Edge membership from February 21 to March 31. The special CCWL code can be found on the flyer passed out at the Conference.

Because of the Study Edge and NGLA partnership, all attendees at NGLA 19 and their home Greek communities receive a FREE Study Edge membership from February 28 to March 31. The special NGLA code can be found on the flyer passed out at the Conference.