
Increase Scores and Pass Rates on the AP® U.S. Government and Politics Exam with exciting videos, study guides, and practice problems.

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Created by a team of veteran AP Government teachers (including the four co-moderators of the popular and almost 5K-member strong AP Government Teachers Facebook group), content experts at iCivics, and expert tutors at Study Edge, this course is designed to support teachers and students alike as they navigate the newly-designed AP course and exam.

The course features over 100 videos and accompanying study guides that break down all of the essential content of the AP Government course, making it more accessible for all learners. These are designed to mimic one on one tutoring sessions and are delivered by expert educators. The course also features practice items and exercises that are dedicated to the new formats of the multiple choice and free response questions on the newly redesigned exam which will be administered for the first time in 2019. These will take the form of course-aligned “Exam Edge” videos and study guides at the end of each of the course’s 15 content sections. The required Supreme Court Cases and Foundational Documents are each highlighted with their own review guide and PDF.

Potential Uses:

  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Flipped or Blended Classroom
  • Whole Class Instruction
  • Primary Tool (textbook replacement) or Supplemental Tool
  • After-school Support (tutoring, homework help)
  • Projector, Computer Lab, 1-to-1 Devices
  • Teacher Training
  • Test Prep & Review (boot camps)
  • Substitute Teachers
  • Any way that works for you!

"[The videos] were time efficient way for students to review. It was nice for them to have a "one stop shop" for all the topics and info. It made it very convenient therefore increasing the odds they will do a review.” - teacher, Jennifer B.

“My students liked that the videos were easy to follow along with and that they were broken down into easy to understand sections.” - teacher, Stephanie Y.

What students receive:

  • A trusted, vetted, digital wrap-around support solution that’s been proven effective in helping students in rural, suburban, and large urban districts — and even at premiere universities like The University of Florida, Clemson University, Purdue University, Syracuse University, Drexel University, California Institute of Technology, University of Illinois, and Boise State University.
  • Engaging, human-led, topical support videos from certified teachers and former university professors, tutors, and college learning center staff.
  • Targeted study guides and practice problems — written by iCivics staff and master teachers — that are aligned to the new AP® exam and designed to reinforce your instruction.
  • Access to premiere content on the web as well as on the mobile-accessible and highly-rated Study Edge app, which is available on iPhones, iPads, and Android devices, and includes all of the same content.
  • Our system is compatible with Student Information Systems (SIS), Learning Management Systems (LMS), and Single Sign-On (SSO) including Clever.

What educators can expect:

  • An increase in student confidence.
  • An increase in student engagement during instructional periods.
  • Data and insights into student usage of the digital service.
  • Timely supplemental resources for when your students need it most — nights, weekends, and holidays.
  • Better student outcomes, increased scores, and higher pass rates on the AP® exam!

The links to the Study Edge AP® U.S. Government and Politics course on our website are provided on an “as is” basis without any express or implied warranties of any kind. Your use of the Study Edge AP® U.S. Government and Politics course is at your own risk, and we are not responsible, directly or indirectly, for the content or accuracy of the Study Edge AP® U.S. Government and Politics course or for any loss or damage of any sort resulting from your use thereof. Any use of the Study Edge AP® U.S. Government and Politics course will be subject to its applicable terms of use and privacy policy, and we encourage you to carefully read the applicable terms of use and privacy policy before using the course.

We want you to know that iCivics receives a portion of all sales of paid-access memberships of the Study Edge AP® U.S. Government and Politics course as part of our partnership with Study Edge, at no extra cost to you. After helping to develop the Study Edge AP® U.S. Government and Politics course, we believe it to be of high-quality and consistent with our goals and overall mission. It is for those reasons that we enthusiastically recommend it to you.